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Enrichment Activities for High School ELA

ELA Enrichment Activities will be posted on this page in order to provide continuous learning activities for high school age students. Most of the activities are geared for AP Lit and English IV, but they could be adapted for any level. 

lifelong learning

AP Literature Resource Materials


Writing Activities


  • 30 Day Writing Prompt ChallengeThis activity has 30 Write Prompts that are meant to get you thinking and reflecting. For each day, read and respond to the prompt in full sentences, either in a notebook or in a digital document
  • Virtual Pen Pals: 5 Resources for Connecting Kids around the World Connect with students all over the world. Develop a more global perspective, increase their cultural understanding, and they just might just establish a lifelong friendship.​
  • Article of the Week: Practice reading and writing skills with the various articles posted here. Each article gives questions for response and allows for annotations and reflections. 
  • Writing Prompts from YouTube: Here's a set of short videos sketched out to spark creative thinking and help students fall in love with writing.
  • Story StartersNeeding a jumpstart for an awesome story? Pick one of these 50 story starters to create your own story!
  • Bite-size Grammar Lessons: Improve your writing by enhancing grammar skills. Check out Laura Randazzo’s short video clips for further instruction and practice. 
  • Personification exercise: Go outside and write down the first moving thing that they see. It could be a leaf, a squirrel or a car - but not a person. Then write a paragraph from that object's point of view.


Reading Activities


  • READ: Find a book, and read it! 
  • Audible - Free as long as schools are closed.
  • NYTimes Article of the DayThis site looks at one New York Times article each day and offers questions for pre-reading, class discussion, and writing.
  • ACT Academy: Practice your reading comprehension and skills. 
  • US News – High School: Reading doesn’t always mean having your nose in a book. Staying up to date with news and current events requires reading too! Check out these news articles pertaining to high school students. 
  • Vocabulary Builder: Check out Laura Randazzo’s lessons on advanced vocabulary to improve your reading and writing skills. 
  •  Understanding Poetry: Laura Randazzo has a host of videos uploaded to her YouTube page, and this one with tips to better understand poetry might have you searching for poems to add to your reading list!
  • NYTimes Student Crosswords: More than 150 puzzles on topics inspired by subjects across the curriculum. Each one is written by Times crossword master Frank Longo, and each comes with links to the answers and to more Times and Learning Network content on the topic.